Specialty Indoor Water Tanks

These tanks have been specifically designed with residential and commercial applications in mind. The dimensions of the water tanks allow them to fit through most doorways. The 230 and 350 gallon tanks come standard with a steel support frame. The other tanks are self-supporting and eliminates the need for steel support frame.


Imperial Gallons Dimensions
(L x W x H)
Fill Opening Part No.
83 36″ x 18″ x 43″ 5″ 45408
90 47″ x 23″ x 28″ 5″ 41123
180 58″ x 29″ x 35″ 5″ 41124
115 Water 24″ x 24″ x 60″ 16″ 41205
230 w/Frame 48″ x 24″ x 60″ 16″ 41199
250 61.5″ x 29″ x 47″ 16″ 44944
330/Ribbed 44″ x 32″ x 83″ 16″ 41190
330 62″ x 29″ x 68″ 16″ 41241
350 w/Frame 61″ x 30″ x 64″ 16″ 41015
415 74″ x 31″ x 68″ 16″ 44945
500/Ribbed 58″ x 35″ x 83″ 16″ 44528